
July 2020 - Page 2 of 4 - Branding Strategy Insider

How Place Determines The Fate Of Brands

You may not know about the faux meat versus fresh-meat fracas. It is the protein prizefight of all time. This clash is not for the fainthearted. This battle pits alternative meat producers against cattle raisers. The basis of the battle is this: where in the grocery store should alternative meats be placed for sale? Should alternative-based meats be sold in the fresh meat case or should these products be relegated to special vegan sections in...

Defining New Market Opportunities

The classical economic perspective holds that perfectly competitive markets are characterized by undifferentiated products sold based only on price. Any departure from such a characterization is viewed as evidence of an imperfect market. This view of markets has given rise to strategic thinking that focuses on the identification of market imperfections and the creation of structural barriers to market entry and the creation of supply-side competitive advantage.

Brand Strategies For Relevant Differentiation

If properly designed, brands will promise relevant differentiated benefits to their target customers. Carefully choosing the most powerful benefits will not only result in brand preference, but brand insistence. That is, the brand will be perceived to be the only viable solution for the customer’s need. Put another way, the customer will not pursue substitutes if the brand is not available. The brand establishes a consideration set of one.

How One Small Agency Changed Advertising

Jon Bond and Richard Kirshenbaum are trying hard not to be seen, hiding in plain sight at the Pen & Pencil restaurant, an upscale eatery in Midtown Manhattan. It’s the lunchtime rush and the waiter, dressed in a crisp white shirt and black trousers has come over once, twice, to take their order but again they push him away. The two ad hustlers work at different advertising agencies but have a side gig that lets...

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