

The Difference Between Purpose And Value Proposition

David StewartDecember 27, 20236 min
Brand “purpose” has been all the rage in recent years. The notion of brand purpose rests on the assumption that a brand, product, or company should stand for something more important than just the functional benefits it delivers. A purpose is the reason a product or company exists and what it stands for beyond the usual business goals and objectives, such as making a profit. It is a noble statement of how the product or...

Building Brands For Now From Then

Larry LightSeptember 12, 20234 min
In 1994, when Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras wrote Built to Last, they were referring to Visionary Habits of Successful Companies. Their highly influential book focused on the results of a six-year research project into what makes enduringly great companies. Their stated goals were: “to identify underlying characteristics that are common to highly visionary companies” and “to effectively communicate findings so they can influence management”.

Building A Business-Brand Within A Circular Economy

Derrick DayeJune 27, 20233 min
As businesses increasingly recognize the urgent need for sustainable practices, building a brand within a circular economy has become a key priority. The circular economy framework promotes resource efficiency, waste reduction, and the continual use of materials through closed-loop systems. Today on Branding Strategy Insider, we explore inspiring examples of companies that have successfully integrated circular economy principles into their brand and business strategies. One notable example is CHEP, a global supply chain solutions provider....

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