
June 2023 - Page 2 of 3 - Branding Strategy Insider

A New Era In Hotel Market Segmentation

The hotel industry uses a segmentation designed by consultancy STR that is all about price, service and amenities. This segmentation uses language that most humans would find bizarre when thinking about their hotel stay. No matter how many consultants provide insight to hotel groups, the default is always price, service and amenities. The STR hotel segmentations basically looks like this: Economy, Mid-Scale, Upper Mid-Scale, Upscale, Upper Upscale and Luxury.

15 Of Marketing’s Most Influential Books

Today we’re sharing some of the most influential books in marketing, titles that hold immense significance due to their ability to shape and guide the way marketers approach business, communication, consumer behavior and brand management. These books serve as invaluable resources, offering insights into fundamental principles, strategies, and tactics that revolutionize marketing practices.

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