
October 2009 - Page 3 of 6 - Branding Strategy Insider

How To Attack The Leading Brand

You know the kid’s game. Rock (fist) breaks scissors. Scissors (two fingers) cuts paper. Paper (flat hand) covers rock. So what’s the best strategy in a game of rock/scissors/paper? The answer is obvious. It all depends on what strategy the other kid uses. So, too, in marketing.

5 Retail Marketing Trends For 2010

1) Inconspicuous Consumption Consumers respond to the social moment by taking consumption into the closet. As when we talk about going to Fred’s (in-store restaurant), not Barney’s. Or, ask to have new purchases shipped, rather than be seen carrying a branded shopping bag. Or, decide to have shoes repaired and last year’s jacket altered. Spending as a covert activity. No bragging rights.

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