
Positioning - Page 2 of 131 - Branding Strategy Insider

By definition the brand position or brand positioning is how the brand is perceived in the context of competitive alternatives. When developing brand positioning statements include a target customer definition, brand essence, brand promise, brand archetype and brand personality, giving the intended brand position/positioning greater depth. The unique value proposition and brand promise are similar. They both focus on the one or two key points of difference between the brand in question and other brands.
The Difference Between Purpose And Value Proposition

Brand “purpose” has been all the rage in recent years. The notion of brand purpose rests on the assumption that a brand, product, or company should stand for something more important than just the functional benefits it delivers. A purpose is the reason a product or company exists and what it stands for beyond the usual business goals and objectives, such as making a profit. It is a noble statement of how the product or...

The Perils Of Brand Essence Mismanagement

Let’s talk about “Brand Essence.” Brand Essence derives from a brand-business’ Brand Promise. To be relevantly differentiated, every brand-business must have a Brand Promise. Brand Promise defines the relevant, differentiating, trustworthy expected brand experience the brand-business will deliver time after time. Brand Promise describes what a brand is intended to stand for in the mind of a specific group of customers.

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