
November 2022 - Page 2 of 3 - Branding Strategy Insider

How To Balance Innovation And Cost Cutting

With both inflation and recession fears high, many companies are embarking on cost-reduction initiatives. Moreover, the dislocations of the pandemic have changed many customer needs and buying patterns. So much flux may be unnerving but actually creates opportunity for firms to alter business models in ways that both reduce expenses and keep customers delighted. This is a time to look beyond the typical business reaction and use the uncertainty as an advantage.

How Scarcity Wields Influence For Brands

Persuasion engages innate human responses. When used as an influence tactic, scarcity can change beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors due to actual or perceived pressure. Social psychologists have been especially interested in scarcity and influence because it can cause significant behavior changes and result in people making decisions they otherwise would not have made. Items have a greater appeal when their availability is limited or restricted.

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