
July 2022 - Branding Strategy Insider

Mergers Need Clear Purpose For Cultural Compatibility

Merging a company is hard to do. Yet it can be incredibly fulfilling and empowering for leaders and for employees. Mergers present both opportunity and anxiety. Possibilities are endless for leaders to transform both entities and use the new start to set a new direction with a performance culture. At the same time, change creates anxiety as many people are forced to think outside their default behavior zone. Mergers put human behavior on the front...

5 Strengths Changing Organizations Must Exhibit

There are five key dimensions against which an organization must exhibit strength. We interviewed people representing over ninety organizations, from a wide array of categories, for our book Shift Ahead. Some of them were successful in shifting; others were less so. Nevertheless, all could attest to the fact that these five dimensions were essential elements in being able to shift at critical moments of change.

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