Overcoming Common Brand Problems – 18

Number 18 in our list of the 40 Most Common Brand Problems...
Brad VanAuken The Blake ProjectDecember 29, 20061 min

We are taking a look at the 40 Most Common Brand Problems, based on our experiences and your requests…

Common Brand Problem Number 18: Not delivering against the communicated brand promise

Analysis: Again, this is a symptom of viewing brand management as only a communications exercise. United Airlines’ 1997 advertising campaign, “United Airlines Rising” backfired. While the company was trying to communicate that its service was rising to meet consumers’ expectations, flight attendants were involved in a labor dispute, and threatening CHAOS (“Creating Havoc Around Our System”) and the customer relations department was so unresponsive to complaints that it prompted a disgruntled customer to create the website www.untied.com, featuring United Airlines passenger complaints.

Key Point: The communicated brand promise must be delivered in product, service and total customer experience. Brand culture strategy and education is necessary to ensure all employees are helping the brand deliver its promise. Tying employee compensation to delivery against the brand promise will help.

The Blake Project Can Help: Please email us for more about our purpose, mission, vision and values and brand culture workshops.

Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education

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