
Re-Branding - Branding Strategy Insider

Rebranding is simply changing the brand’s identity. It typically includes changing most or all of the brand identity elements such as the name, icon, colors, type font and tagline. The identity change may also be accompanied by brand repositioning.
Beware Of The False Promise Of Rebranding

Rebranding is one of the most misused terms I have heard in my career. Agencies often use the term in their sales pitch to convince potential clients to hire them. The pitch promises a significant improvement in bottom line performance. But, more often than not, these exercises end up being little more than creating a new logo or a set of branding guidelines. They fall way short of the client’s expectation of revitalized business growth....

To Refresh Or Rebrand? A Marketer’s Guide

Every brand must change, but the extent of the change, and the size of the calls that accompany those shifts, are very different. So when should you refresh what you have to bring it up to date, and when should you “kill” the brand and start again? Refresh a brand that is fundamentally robust and that has strong engagement and loyalty with customers. A refresh is about more than just the tweaks required to keep a brand current. (Those are brand updates and are now business-as-usual.) A brand refresh can in fact be a ceiling-to-floor rethink of how the brand not only looks but also how it delivers, speaks and operates. In essence though, the brand’s DNA remains intact. The brand retains its core market position and values, but opens the door to change other aspects of the business as required.

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