Four Keys To Crisis Communication

Robert GlazerOctober 16, 20232 min

Effective communication is crucial for every organization and every leader. My experience is that great communication is often a proxy for general excellence and strong leadership. My experience as both a consumer and marketer during a string of recent brand crises prompted me to think about best practices for communication that leaders and companies should always strive to uphold.

  1. Don’t over-communicate good news and hide bad news. While sharing good news is always easy, communicating bad news, or potential risks, in a transparent and timely manner is arguably more important. Earlier this year, the leader of a company sent me an upbeat update email about their business, with a fundraising ask, that completely ignored significant business challenges that I had learned about elsewhere. The email eroded my trust in that business, and its leader.
  2. Go deep. People appreciate detail, especially when things aren’t going well. How strong leaders communicate is representative of how they operate: thoughtfully and effectively.
  3. Don’t be silent in a crisis. In a crisis, especially as it begins to unfold, you’ll rarely have all the answers. However, your constituents want and need to know you’re aware of the problem and are working on a solution. Honesty and transparency build credibility with your audience, as does providing a timeline of when you’ll be able to share more information.
  4. Be proactive. It’s always better to be too early than too late. First impressions matter a lot, and you never get a chance to go back when you miss the early window. Waiting for the dust to settle before communicating can place in you in a trust deficit.

The best leaders and companies do all of the above. They communicate early and transparently, and they share both good and bad news with a high level of detail.

Contributed to Branding Strategy Insider by: Robert Glazer, Founder & CEO, Acceleration Partners, Author of Moving To Outcomes: Why Partnerships Are The Future Of Marketing

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