Branding Seminars And Workshops

Derrick DayeAugust 25, 20077 min

Brand Education is a core offering of The Blake Project and we’d like to share an overview of some of our most popular topics.

We offer international seminars, workshops and keynote speeches on branding with some of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject. Described by participant’s as “insightful and dynamic” these highly interactive, gamified engagements are designed to educate and empower audiences to release the full potential of the brands they manage.

Brand Identity And Architecture Workshop
This workshop focuses on the design of a brand’s structure, architecture or family tree. Learn the different types of relationships that can exist between brands and sub-brands and when sub-brands are necessary and when they are not. We address ingredient branding, co-branding and brand endorsement. The workshop also provides information on all of the most important brand identity components – name, logo, tagline, etc. We highlight the different types of names that can be created and used and the situations for which they are most appropriate. And discuss the importance of color in a brand identity system and the meanings associated with different colors. Finally, we share ways to ensure consistency in brand presentation across communication vehicles (through brand identity guidelines, systems and processes).

40 Most Common Brand Problems
This workshop identifies the 40 most common brand management issues that organizations encounter and addresses how they might be resolved. The issues range from organizational governance issues to brand identity issues. This workshop is based upon the experience of hundreds of organizations. It offers practical, common sense solutions to the problems that most often plague otherwise potentially successful brands.

Innovative Marketing Techniques That Work
Learn about 60+ innovative marketing techniques that have been highly successful for other organizations. This workshop will be conducted as an interactive exercise/game in which members of the audience pick an image in a matrix and a story is told about how one or more companies have used the corresponding technique to achieve their marketing objectives. At the end of this exercise, you will have the opportunity to generate and share additional innovative marketing techniques. This workshop will help you to think creatively and broadly about how to market your brand(s). You will leave with specific techniques that you can apply immediately.

Creating Brand Insistence
We have developed and tested a very powerful and proprietary system of brand equity measurement and management across numerous organizations and industries over the past ten years. The system measures the drivers of customer brand insistence: awareness, relevant differentiation, value, accessibility and emotional connection. He will show you how these drivers interact to achieve the intended result — highly loyal customers. Learn how to drive your intended audiences from awareness of your brand to insistence upon your brand. Numerous brand and industry examples will be used throughout the workshop.

Brand Positioning Workshop
This is a hands-on workshop in which you will learn how to position your brand(s) for optimal success in the marketplace. The workshop includes a number of exercises which will help you learn how to develop the following components of your brand positions:

• Target audience/market
• Competitive frame of reference
• Differentiating brand benefits
• Brand essence
• Brand promise
• Brand personality

Much time will be devoted to talking about how to identify benefits that are believable, unique and compelling. With the help of a tutor, functional, emotional, experiential and self-expressive benefits will be explored. The tutor will review research techniques that identify customer values, needs and motivations. By the conclusion of this workshop, you will understand the importance of brand positioning. You will also be able to identify the most important components of brand positioning. Finally, you will have the knowledge to position your brand(s) for maximum success in the marketplace.

The 16 Most Important Things You Need To Know About Building Winning Brands
In one of our most popular speeches we provide examples of the most important actions you can take to maximize your brand’s vitality and power. An overview of the 16 most important things to know about building winning brands, includes multiple examples of each.

Cracking The Customer Code
Learn ways to gain deep insight into your customers’ values, needs, attitudes, motivations and behaviors. Includes proven and leading-edge marketing research techniques and online and offline approaches to soliciting customer feedback.

Developing The Brand Building Organization
Recent research shows that one of the key differentiating characteristics of organizations with leading brands is that the organization and its culture reinforce the brand promise. The intent of this workshop is to help you achieve this in your organization.

Do you have problems with any of the following in your

• Senior management is not focused on the brand. It is difficult to garner
their support and resources over time.
• The organization is highly fragmented and resistant to change.
• People are focused on their functional silos. There is no cross-functional
support of the brand.
• The organization’s culture does not reinforce the brand.
• The organization’s operations and systems do not support the brand.
• The brand message is only one of many among all of the corporate rate

This practical, hands-on workshop starts with a checklist to help you assess how well you are doing at developing a brand building organization. The checklist covers activities from internal communication and training to senior management support and business process design. You then go over each area in de¬tail, learning specific techniques, brainstorming new ones and sharing successes and failures with one another. You will be given an opportunity to develop an action plan for your organization.

Customer Touchpoint Design Workshop
Bring the brand promise to life at key customer touchpoints. On the first day, participants will identify a huge volume of customer touchpoints and brand proof points at those touchpoints. At the end of the day, they will identify the touchpoints and proof points with the most potential. On the second half day, the marketing or leadership team will identify the most powerful and cost-effective touchpoints and proof points to pursue.

Measuring And Managing Brand Equity
Based upon our proprietary Customer BrandInsistence™ model, this seminar helps organizations learn how to measure, manage and build their brands’ equities.

Branding Implications Of Mergers And Acquisitions
In this seminar we will cover all of the most common branding issues created by mergers and acquisitions together with the best ways to address/resolve those issues. We will cover everything from merging disparate cultures to brand identity and architecture implications.

Sales Support: Helping Your Organization Meet Or Exceed Its Revenue Goals
While marketers tend to look forward to developing ‘breakthrough’ advertising campaigns and other similarly stimulating activities, often they are appreciated most by their organizations when they are able to assist the sales force in generating new revenues for those organizations. This workshop will familiarize marketers with the activities that they can pursue to help their organizations generate additional sales more quickly. We will touch on everything from trade shows and sales lead generation to customer testimonials and direct mail support. The emphasis will be on those tactics that have proven to help increase sales across a wide range of industries.

Brands, People & Organizational Vitality
Brands and people are an organization’s most valuable assets. Learn about how an organization can manage its brands and people in an integrated way to maximize its success. Discover how organizations can communicate with and educate their employees about their brands’ strategies and positions. Discover how through customer touch point management organizations can make their brands’ promises and personalities come to life at each customer touch point. Learn about specific techniques to achieve each of the following:

• Encourage organization leaders to become brand champions
Turn employees into brand champions
• Drive brand management principles throughout large, de-centralized organizations
• Insure brand identity consistency throughout an enterprise.

Brand Research 101
This seminar will provide brand managers and other marketing managers a thorough understanding of the types of research available to create, build and leverage strong brands. It will also provide them with an understanding of the brand components that it would be most beneficial for them to measure and manage. It also covers basic research concepts and terminology so that the marketing or brand manager will be able to talk intelligently with marketing research professionals. The workshop covers over 20 different methodologies and is organized by the following: building brands, managing brands and leveraging brands.

The Future Of Branding
In this seminar we will briefly cover the history of branding before he highlights long-term, current and emerging trends in brand management and marketing. We will then present future likely scenarios in branding. This seminar, while shorter in length, will foster much thinking and discussion. We will end the session with a series of questions that will help you assess these trends as they relate to your business.

Mastering Brand Planning
In this seminar we will walk you through common brand management goals, objectives and metrics. We will also present over 50 generic strategies and tactics that can help you meet those objectives. Finally, we will help you begin to craft a brand plan for your brand or organization. You will receive a marketing objective/tactic matrix and other useful planning templates.


• Marketing Oriented Leaders
• Advertising agency professionals (account executives, partners, etc.)
• Marketing professionals (managers, directors, vice presidents, etc.)
• All professionals involved in brand building

Most workshops are comprised of lecture, group/team and individual exercises. Many of the workshops will include templates and checklists to help you apply these concepts to your brands. We customize existing seminars and create new ones to meet your needs. Further our approach addresses learning styles for maximum impact.

We would be happy to share our expertise at your next internal or public event.

For Availability please call: 888-706-5489 or email Derrick Daye

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