
Jerome Conlon, Author at Branding Strategy Insider - Page 7 of 11

10 Guiding Principles For Effective Brand Building

In “The Unexpected Universe” naturalist Loren Eisley tells of coming upon a spider in a forest spinning the sticky spokes of the web that extend her senses out into the world. Just so, brand planners need to find ways of extending their senses far beyond what can be directly perceived by their ears and eyes. Like the spider, brand planners sit in the middle of a complex web, listening, watching, waiting.

3 Ways Brands Can Find Consumer Sweet Spots

In sports the sweet spot is that one special place on a baseball bat, golf club or tennis racket that drives the ball farther or faster with less effort than when it is hit any where else. In the marketing world there are campaign sweet spots too. And when your campaign idea strikes resonant emotional chords with your target consumer’s internal sweet spot then outsized profit and market share gains occur.

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