
May 2021 - Page 2 of 3 - Branding Strategy Insider

The Drivers Of Viral Brand Messaging

In their research paper ‘What makes online content viral?’, Jonah Berger and Katherine Milkman show how surprise is one of the most important requirements of content, after practical value and interest. Practical value and interest are usually addressed at the product innovation and development stage, but surprise can be effectively used later on, as well.

Strategy For A New Era In Retail

How did Amazon become the retailer of choice for a large portion of the US population? How did Walmart beat out other grocers in the late 1990s to become the leader in food retailing? How did Warby Parker make a dent in the once-untouchable Luxottica’s lucrative eyewear business? How did Sephora draw customers away from once-dominant department stores to become the go-to retailer for beauty products?

All Brands Are Boundless

In Nike founder Phil Knight’s book “Shoe Dog” he focuses on the deals. Factory deals, sponsorship deals, celebrity deals. It’s all about connecting superstars to superschtick. He never once talks about the cultural relevance of Nike advertising or the “Just do it” line ripped from a Clint Eastwood movie.

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